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Member Benefits

Belonging to a larger community feels good, especially when we know that work being undertaken nationally can also provide a bigger voice on behalf of patients with lymphoma.

Other membership benefits include:

  • Sharing of best practices among members. Best practices may include “how-to” toolkits, algorithms of care, policies and procedures, and resources from other member organisations, to name a few;
  • Provision of consistent as well as reliable current information including statistics and access on the different lymphomas including chronic lymphocytic leukaemia;
  • Ability as a larger community of lymphoma patient organisations to raise awareness about lymphomas through activities such as World Lymphoma Awareness Day and the Global Patient Survey;
  • Capacity building support provided.

Membership Criteria

All organisations join Lymphoma Coalition (LC) as Associate Members. Organisations may become a Full Member after one year as an Associate Member, if they meet all the criteria of Full Membership.

Membership is free.

Associate Member Criteria

  • Available to those not-for-profit or charitable organisations that share the same goals as Lymphoma Coalition.  This is demonstrated through the following:
    • providing programs and services that include lymphomas;
    • committed to the mission and vision of LC;
    • committed to participating in the activities of LC; and
    • committed to sharing information, materials and best practices with other Members.
  • An Associate Member is entitled to receive notice of and attend meetings of Members but is not entitled to a vote.

Applications for membership are reviewed and approved based on these criteria by the Board of Directors.

Applications are available HERE.

Full Member Criteria

To become a Full Member, an organisation must meet the following criteria:

  • Have been an Associate Member of LC for at least one year;
  • Be recognized and/or registered as a non-profit or charitable organization under the laws of its jurisdiction;
  • Provide programs and services that support lymphomas;
  • Be committed to the mission and vision of the Corporation which it has confirmed by signing the Mission Statement;
  • Have demonstrated during their time as an Associate Member and remain committed to participating in the activities of LC;
  • Committed to attending the Annual Meeting of the Corporation each year and any other meetings of Members; and
  • Have demonstrated during their time as an Associate Member and remain committed to sharing information, materials and best practices with other Members.

Founding Members of the Coalition are the four members that started the Coalition, namely: Lymphoma Association- UK, Lymphoma Foundation Canada, Lymphoma Research Foundation – USA and Deutsche Leukamie & Lymphom-Hilfe eV, Germany.

To find out more on how to become part of the Lymphoma Coalition, contact info@lymphomacoalition.org

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