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Q&As with Members of the InterLymph Consortium

The InterLymph Consortium is more formally known as the International Consortium of Investigators Working on Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma Epidemiologic Studies. Created in 2001 by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) and the National Cancer Institute (USA), the Consortium is an international group of scientists who undertake research projects that pool data across studies to better understand lymphoma risk factors and causes. Lymphoma Coalition is proud to partner with the InterLymph Consortium in this important research.

Lymphoma Coalition interviewed epidemiologists from the InterLymph Consortium to find out about their research in lymphomas. Watch the videos below to learn more.

Learn more about the InterLymph Consortium and why its research is important.
Learn more about the LEO (Lymphoma Epidemiology of Outcomes) Cohort Study,
which follows patients over time to discover long-term outcomes of treatment in the real-world.
More is known about lymphomas than ever before, largely due to better scientific knowledge
of genes and gene mutations and the role they play in the diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of lymphomas.