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Vision & Mission

Lymphoma Coalition, a worldwide network of patient groups with a full or partial focus on providing support to patients with lymphoma, was formed in 2002 and incorporated as a not for profit organisation in 2010.

The need for a central hub of consistent as well as reliable current information was recognised as well as the need for lymphoma patient organisations to share resources, best practices, and policies and procedures. With this in mind, four lymphoma organisations started the LC. Today, there are over 80 member organisations from over 50 countries.

LC’s current strategy is focused on ensuring impact within two pillars: information and advocacy.


Equity in lymphoma outcomes across borders.  


Enabling global impact by fostering a lymphoma ecosystem that ensures local change and evidence-based action.

With the high degree of focus on patient centricity, the Lymphoma Coalition patient body who are the recipients of the behaviour driven by this term, defines it as the following:

  • Engaging individuals with lymphoma, and their caregivers in all aspects of their care, tailoring support with the understanding that every patient is unique with a different set of complex needs that may change over time.
  • Giving the lymphoma patient, and those close to them, a voice so that the focus of their care and needs are included throughout the decision-making process.
  • Listening to and hearing the person affected by lymphoma respecting their culture, input, dignity, intelligence and capacity to make informed decisions about the impact on their lives and their care.
  • Including patient organisations as active partners representing a patient’s emotional and psychosocial needs at every stage of care including; treatment, protocol development and by informing research throughout the clinical and treatment development continuum.

Read our International Lymphoma Patient Charter to learn more.

Read the Patient Charter